Saturday 12 July 2014

Yummy lean turkey burgers & sweet potato wedges

Since I’ve been attempting to eat well I have been trying out/making up all sorts of recipes for my family and I to try.  I have always loved sweet potato mash/fries/wedges/jackets, but recently I made these lean turkey burgers and I was actually surprised with how delicious they were!

Just incase anyone wants to try these (and partially so I can remember what I actually put in them) here is how I made them!

What you will need…

For the burgers:
Lean turkey breast mince
1 slice of wholemeal bread
Spring onions
Soy sauce
Sweet chilli sauce

For the sweet potato wedges:
Sweet potatoes
Extra virgin olive oil/cooking spray

The sweet potato wedges are super easy to make. First, I washed and scrubbed the potatoes and chopped them into quite generous wedge-sized pieces. I usually use a low calorie cooking spray, but since I was making these for other people too, I used proper olive oil. I made sure that all the wedges had a light coating of the oil and seasoned with paprika, lots of pepper and a little bit of salt. I put these in the oven at 180°C whilst I made the turkey burgers, for about 40-45 minutes, tossing them every now and again. If I am only making these for myself (in a much smaller portion) I usually use the grill or a slightly hotter oven because they only take about 10-15 minutes when they’re blasted at a really high heat.

To make the burgers, I started by combining the turkey mince with the chopped spring onions. I then used my Mix & Go blender to crumb the slice of the bread and threw the coriander in with it, too.  I mixed the breadcrumb combination in with the mince mixture and then added quite a generous amount of sweet chilli, a few shakes of soy sauce and seasoning.

I wanted my burgers to be quite thick, so I rolled them into equal size balls and then just gently flattened them. I cooked these for about 5-10 minutes on each side on the George Foreman Fat Reducing Grill with the lid open. Absolutely no fat came off the burgers (which was great!) but in the future I would probably just use a griddle pan or maybe even cook them in the oven.

These are great just on their own, but I did make a "proper" burger from one with a wholemeal roll, some lettuce, cucumber, tomato, onion and gherkin.

I really was quite shocked with how yummy these were and how well they worked, especially since I didn’t use an egg or anything else similar to bind the mixture.

I’m really excited to try out some more “healthy” recipes. What should I attempt next?!
